T-Shirt Contest

Girl in a T-shirt Photo

Design our OFFICIAL 2024 SoCal Yearbooks Workshop t-shirt that will be worn by staffers and attendees!

Want your designs on hundreds of t-shirts? Send in your designs and get the chance to win! The winner will also receive a $50 gift certificate and free shirt!

All designs must be submitted by May 26th at 11:59 p.m.

We can’t wait to see what you design and look forward to checking out your work!

Submit your design →

Contest Guidelines:

Not following contest rules will cause your entry to be disqualified. All entries must:

  1. The design MUST include the Workshop Theme Phrase “Heart + Soul”

  2. The design MUST include the Workshop Name “2024 SoCal Yearbooks Workshop

  3. The t-shirt will be printed in three colors, so you can create one design that will print the same on each color, or different designs for the colors. See last year t-shirts for an idea of how this looks.

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